Mark Your Calendar: September's STEM Milestones and Celebrations Released

Download your copy of the September STEM Calendar today and prepare to be inspired by the limitless possibilities of STEM.

Mark Your Calendar: September’s STEM Milestones and Celebrations Released

Raleigh, North Carolina  USA  8/22/2024

STEM For Kids is excited to announce the release of its September STEM Calendar, a dynamic educational tool designed to inspire young minds by highlighting significant historical events and holidays in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).


The September STEM Calendar offers a unique way for educators, parents, and students to connect with the rich history of STEM disciplines. Most days of the month feature a key event, breakthrough, or notable holiday that has shaped the world of STEM. From celebrating the specific holidays that can have a STEM spin to acknowledging technological milestones, this calendar is more than a schedule—it’s a gateway to exploring the wonders of STEM.


“Understanding the past is crucial to innovating the future,” said Moni Singh, Founder and CEO of STEM For Kids. “Our September STEM Calendar is designed to bring these moments to life, making STEM education engaging and relevant for children of all ages.”


Key highlights of the September STEM Calendar include:

  • National Coding Week: Coding is the backbone of many advancements in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, driving innovation in fields ranging from software development to robotics. By participating in Coding Week, students and educators can explore the foundational skills that power modern technology, making it an essential part of a comprehensive STEM education.
  • Great Egg Toss Day: Great Egg Toss Day is connected to STEM through its fun, hands-on exploration of physics, engineering, and problem-solving. Participants must design structures or use techniques to protect an egg from breaking when tossed, applying principles of force, motion, and materials science. This playful challenge encourages creativity and critical thinking, making it an engaging way to introduce students to the engineering design process and the scientific method within a STEM framework.
  • Today In STEM History – Ford’s First Model T: The production of Ford’s first Model T is a landmark in STEM history, highlighting the convergence of engineering, technology, and manufacturing innovation. The Model T, introduced in 1908, revolutionized the automotive industry through the use of assembly line production, a groundbreaking engineering feat that dramatically increased efficiency and made cars affordable for the masses. This advancement not only transformed transportation but also showcased the power of technological innovation and engineering principles in shaping modern industry, making it a pivotal moment in STEM history.


The calendar is available for download on the STEM For Kids website and is designed to be a resource for teachers, parents, and anyone passionate about promoting STEM education. By celebrating the achievements of the past, the September STEM Calendar encourages students to dream big and aspire to be the innovators of tomorrow.


Join us as we embark on an unforgettable exploration of the wonders of STEM this September. Download your copy of the September STEM Calendar today and prepare to be inspired by the limitless possibilities of STEM. You can find the STEM Calendars under “Resources” -> “STEM Calendars” here:



Since 2011, STEM For Kids® has been enabling purpose-driven educators and entrepreneurs to bring life- and career-readiness skills to preK-8 children in their communities. 


With over 1500 hours of STEM activities in various themes covering engineering (aerospace, civil, mechanical, environmental, bio-medicine), technology (coding, robots, Artificial Intelligence, Internet Of Things), business and social emotional learning, educators, parents and students have a lot to get excited about. 


STEM For Kids® ranked #173 on the highly coveted Entrepreneur Magazine’s Franchise 500 list. With a growing network of STEM For Kids® operators, educators, trained teachers, and franchisees, we have impacted numerous communities across the globe. Add your community now, 


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