From Aviation to Biomedical: Get Our August STEM Calendar for Daily Inspiration

Download your copy of the August STEM Calendar today and prepare to be inspired by the limitless possibilities of STEM.

From Aviation to Biomedical: Get Our August STEM Calendar for Daily Inspiration

Raleigh, North Carolina  USA  8/2/2024

STEM For Kids is excited to announce the release of the August STEM Calendar, a unique educational resource designed to highlight significant historic events in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM).


From Zoo Awareness Day to Composites Week, the Calendar offers a unique opportunity to explore, learn, and engage with the wonders of STEM. 


Key highlights of the August STEM Calendar include:


  • Assistance Dog Week: Through advancements in fields such as veterinary science, genetics, and biomedical engineering, the training and healthcare of these dogs have significantly improved. Technologies like prosthetics and mobility aids, developed through engineering and robotics, enhance the lives of both the dogs and their handlers. Additionally, research in animal behavior and psychology, supported by data science, ensures effective training methods, making assistance dogs invaluable partners in enhancing human independence and well-being.


  • Today In STEM History (TISH) – First Hot Air Balloon Flight: This pioneering flight showcased the principles of physics, particularly buoyancy and thermodynamics, by demonstrating how heated air can lift a balloon. The engineering ingenuity involved in designing the balloon and ensuring its stability highlighted early advancements in aeronautics. The scientific curiosity and experimentation that led to this achievement laid the groundwork for modern aviation and aerospace engineering, illustrating the transformative power of STEM in overcoming the boundaries of human flight.


  • World Water Week: This week emphasizes the critical role of STEM in addressing global water challenges. Through scientific research and technological innovations, experts in fields such as hydrology, environmental science, and engineering develop sustainable solutions for water conservation, purification, and distribution. Advanced data analytics and geographic information systems (GIS) are employed to monitor water resources and predict shortages. By fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, World Water Week highlights the importance of STEM in ensuring clean and accessible water for all, addressing issues like water scarcity, pollution, and climate change impacts on water systems.


  • Aviation Day: The evolution of flight, from the Wright brothers’ first powered flight to modern commercial and space travel, is a testament to advancements in physics, engineering, and computer science. Innovations in aerodynamics, materials science, and avionics have revolutionized aircraft design, safety, and efficiency. Additionally, cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence and robotics are driving the future of autonomous flight and air traffic management. Aviation Day underscores the ongoing contributions of STEM disciplines in pushing the boundaries of what is possible in air travel and exploration.


Join us as we embark on an unforgettable exploration of the wonders of STEM this August. Download your copy of the August STEM Calendar today and prepare to be inspired by the limitless possibilities of STEM. You can find the STEM Calendars under “Resources” -> “STEM Calendars” here:



Since 2011, STEM For Kids® has been enabling purpose-driven educators and entrepreneurs to bring life- and career-readiness skills to preK-8 children in their communities. 


With over 1500 hours of STEM activities in various themes covering engineering (aerospace, civil, mechanical, environmental, bio-medicine), technology (coding, robots, Artificial Intelligence, Internet Of Things), business and social emotional learning, educators, parents and students have a lot to get excited about. 


STEM For Kids® ranked #173 on the highly coveted Entrepreneur Magazine’s Franchise 500 list. With a growing network of STEM For Kids® operators, educators, trained teachers, and franchisees, we have impacted numerous communities across the globe. Add your community now, 


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